Low voltage/high voltage circuit breakers
A circuit breaker is a switching device that can close, carry, and break the current under normal circuit conditions, and close, carry, and break the current under abnormal circuit conditions within a specified time. This type of equipment is commonly used for transformers and various high and low voltage electrical equipment in distribution systems.
Low voltage/high voltage circuit breakers
A circuit breaker is a switching device that can close, carry, and break the current under normal circuit conditions, and close, carry, and break the current under abnormal circuit conditions within a specified time. This type of equipment is commonly used for transformers and various high and low voltage electrical equipment in distribution systems. According to the scope of use, circuit breakers can be divided into high-voltage circuit breakers and low-voltage circuit breakers. Generally, electrical appliances above 3kV are referred to as high-voltage electrical appliances.
The main functions of a circuit breaker include distributing electrical energy, controlling the starting frequency of the motor, protecting power lines and equipment such as the motor. When overload, short circuit, undervoltage and other faults occur, the circuit breaker can automatically cut off the circuit, prevent accidents from expanding, and ensure safe operation.
To meet the needs of different users, customization can be made according to their needs, such as 2.2KV, 10KV, 12KV, etc
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